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May 30

   The last day of studying and

working a la intellect until September –

I can scarce believe it yet!!

    We didn’t go to church but personally

improved ourselves, while I did Spanish

and Beth and Punchy finished

packing their trunks. Then Janie

Beth Punchy and I ran a final

hasty comb through our hair and

went to the Lodge for claret and

dinner. It was smooth and we had

a lovely reminiscent time, catting

and chatting about people. Gad, how

I’m going to miss the super Seniors.

I’m not at all anxious for the

end of the year to come. It’s all

been one continuously mellow feeling

full of laughs and a few almost-

tears which have made Kappa

Delta and all the super gang

in the house so near and dear to me!