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June 14

   What a day! Up in time to be at the Board of

Health at 8:15 for the snappiest and most

incomplete of physical exams – then to P.S. 50

and [P.S. 56?] to eventually get my working

papers. Such a rigamarole! I yearn to be


   I got into Bell’s by eleven and got

generally acquainted with the myriads of

things I have to do until lunch hour

(11:45 to 12:45) I ate with Jean – and

moseyed around afterwards. During the

afternoon Evelyn Smith (she’s seventeen too)

and I went to the Post Office and the bank,

stopping for a grapeade on the way. It’s

such fun not to just sit at a desk all

day – we have MORE time off. Only thing is

the mail doesn’t always get in on time and

tonight I didn’t leave till 6:00. I love

it good though!

   I met Mother and Pat for dinner at the

New Yorker – watching the ice show. Awfully nice!

    I’m weary!!!!