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June 22

   More sitting around and waiting

for Bill to show up. Daddy came out

to see him and when I didn’t hear

from him, life wasn’t too pleasant!

Finally at eight o’clock the phone

rang and twas Bill. He came up at

around nine and gradually we

warmed up to a natural conversation.

He confused me a lot – I can’t

figure out if he’s changed or if he’s

just trying a new technique on me.

at least it’s effective in the sense

that I don’t know where I stand

with the boy. He’s awfully nice

though and I like him good. Gosh

I wish the war were over and everything

could go on naturally. This way, you

get swept along emotionally and don’t

really know what you or anyone else

really feel.

   A cold letter from Bill Brennan, or

maybe it’s my mood!!