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July 2

   The end of the week – I’m weary

and am really looking forward to my

three day’s vacation. Today was pay

day though, which was inspirational.

It felt so good to hold on to the $39.10

for which I’ve sweated, cussed, worn

circles under my eyes and blisters

on my feet. It means so much more

that way!

   Today was Lizzie’s birthday, so

we had a celebration. During lunch-

hour I bought her a set of towels

and washcloths and two little

guest towels and Mother gave her

glasses and cooked dinner. Lizzie’s

so completely swell and I love her


   The U.S.C fellow I met yesterday called

for a date, but I was too tired and

didn’t know him that well anyhoo. He

leaves tomorrow.

   Letters from Beth and Margie Borcher.