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July 3

    The stupidest thing happened today. As

I was putting leg foo and goo on my back

suddenly felt numb and my right leg

got kind of paralyzed. As everything went

black, I stretched picturesquely on the

bed and let it stay black for awhile.

All day it’s sort of hurt, but twill

probably improve soon.

   It was blissful to relax peacefully

in the garden – and to sleep late

this morning too. (I appreciate the

quiet of the country after toiling in

the city all week.) We did have a Chinese

luncheon at Choung’s though!

   I got a long letter from Pat Lavery,

and – one from Bill Boyd, which wasn’t

really perky. He sounds low because all

his army training has been in vain – the

government is abandoning gliders as not

practical and too dangerous.

   I wrote Bill Brennan at last and

Kay and Jimmy too.