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July 25

   Lazy Sunday! I slept late until time

for Audrey and me to go to church. It was

too hot to concentrate on the sermon but

it was pretty good – all about freedom

(popular subject!). When I returned

home a beautiful steak dinner was

awaiting me – it was bliss: the second

time we’d had beef since I came home

from Billsburg. Remember the days when

a steak was just a casual, instead

of a sometime, thing! Such is war!

   I wrote a note to Margie and a longie

to Bill Boyd getting even with his

mock-perky joking letter. I’ll be

anxious to get his reaction! Afterwards

I read my old letters again – especially

those from Bill Boyd really reminiscing

over our misunderstandings and our

other moments.

     Mussolini has resigned as Premier of Italy

after 21 years! Will that mean Italy’s

surrender? Sicily is almost conquered!!