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August 13

   Birthday celebration began already when Ev,

Mary, Jean and I had lunch (and daiquiris)

in Schrafft’s. Ev treated me cause she won’t

be here Monday and I beamed. I’m going

to miss the crowd at the office – I am.

   It was truly Friday the 13th – I

don’t know: maybe I don’t live clean!

I went uptown before lunch and got

absolutely drenched in the downpour –

slid outside the office and fell

coming back – filed checks till the

door opened and they flew hither and

yon and so on and on. The American

legion kept having parades up and

down in front of the building so not

much work was accomplished.

   I went to Macy’s and bought

Mother a lush gold pin, washcloths

and a spice set. Such a practical

birthday as we’re sprinkling about

this year.