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September 2

     So lazy! I drooped in bed

reading and dreaming till it was

well nigh noon and my guilty

conscience forced me into a more

active life. Once I was up I

drooped some more and got out

my "old faithful letters" to pore over

again. They’re all so “cute” and

ego-bolstering. Reading them over I

can ignore the intervals between,

and toss off the carburetor ones

as unimportant. Such nice boys!

     Dad came out, still feeling

rotton – and contemplating the

date of his operation.

     Pat called – gave me a message

from Bell that he’s rooting for me

to go to Hamilton the 11th. Gee, I’d love

it, but Mother and Dad are very

uncooperative. I spose they’re right.

     We invaded Italy’s mainland!!