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September 12

     Limping and nursing sore aching

muscles, Aud and I practically

dragged ourselves to St. Gabe’s this

morning and squirmed on the comparatively

hard wooden seats. Mr. Condit is

back for his first service of the new

year and is really a marvelous rector.

Mr. Judd has accepted an offer at

Christ Church outside of Philadelphia, and

will leave St. Gabe’s the end of this month.

After church we stopped at Glory’s

for a few moments and then home. Mother,

Dad and I to celebrate the lifting of the

pleasure driving ban, drove to the

Triangle restaurant for a good dinner –

and then home again!

     The Germans have occupied Rome

and Italy and Germany are now

fighting – the quirks of alliances of

warfare. Our forces are fighting too

and Italy’s surrender isn’t as optimistic

as first thought.