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September 28

     Right about now we’re in a mad dash of

enthusiasm – we’re all out for studies, all

out for extracurricular stuff, and all out

for improving the house, and KΔ in general.

Such a busy little year as it’s gonna be!

     Money and Banking, Business Enterprise,

Statistics and Accounting all involve

scads of work and I groan under

the weight of it. Oh, for just one snap

course – it’d be so refreshing!

     Mother, Holly Miller and I had

dinner together at the Lodge and

then I went to the Flat Hat Business

Staff meeting. We were assigned ads

to get so I will merrily trek around

town having people sign contracts

and pay money – I hope! We get

commissions too. Sorority meeting,

though informal, was inspiring in

its plans. I hope the spirit lasts!

     Letters from Edith and Evie