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December 4

     Today was my idea of ideal college

life! After classes and a stimulating

gym course of children's games,

we all flopped in the pink

and blue room before trekking

to the Lodge Coffee Shoppe for their

roast beef special – beautiful! This

afternoon was devoted to Statistics

and accounting with time out for

a bowl of soup in the Wigwam.

Then – came the general personal

improvement and flurry of trying to

get both Beth and me ready for our

dates. Eddie and Bud Leo (blind date)

are both swell! We went to the Lodge

and sipped cokes – then moseyed

through the impressively candlelit

Capital – and on to the movies to see "Girl

Crazy" again. It was a wonderful evening!

     We gave a belated surprise birthday

party for Beth in the ballooned pink &

blue room – with food and caroling. Mmm!